I found this killer foot stool at the D.I. and literally pounced on it. $5!!!!!!!!!!! It was the legs that won me over.
I have for the longest time wanted to try and recover/ reupholster something. Stetson's rocking chair in the nursery has been the "go for it project", but I haven't been able to commit to a fabric pattern I like, and have been stuck in Limbo. I'm finding my zen while patiently waiting for the perfect fabric to fall into my lap.
So when I saw this stool, I knew that this would be great practice and give me confidence when working a staple gun.
Picking fabric wasn't hard either because I knew I wanted a white fluffy ottoman. I loved the Nate Berkus one from last year at Target, but it literally was gone before I even had a chance to get to target. Luckily, i had a piece of fluffy fake fur just waiting for me to play with it.
Now, I'm just a go getter done kinda gal. I rarely stop to look up instruction on how to do something and or I follow along visually. I am not calling myself an expert at all, but this is what I did.
I wiped off the footstool and got her all bleached up!
I then played the fur on the floor and placed the foot stool on top of it. Positioning it just right to fold all around it.
I started stapling the fabric to the edge. There was about a 1/2 inch lip from the cushion and the hard surface the legs are screwed in. I used this lip for my stapling line. Although it got tricky with the fur.
What I found easy when the fabric was starting to fold together, to much fabric bunching together, was to pull tight, staple, smooth, repeat.
I trimmed away all the extra fabric.
I'm TOTALLY smitten with her!
Stetson loves to use it as a step to get on the couch. I love it because we had nowhere to put out feet before.
It took me a total of 15 minutes to do! Probably less too if I wasn't having to battle stetson for my staple gun. He really likes to help and be in the action. Must be in the action. I should've know he'd want to help me with this project too!
Now I'm really inspired to lighten up this front room. Starting with selling our rug. If anyone is Boise local and wants it, let me know. I'll give you a killer deal on it!
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