BUT if baby ump is a girl, i'm screwed when it comes to the nursery. I am:
A. NOT a fan of baby pink. In fact, bless the baby's heart if she is a girl because pink will probably be the last color she will ever will. Correction, I am a fan of a good pink, or minimal pink, but not every darn tootin thing pink [insert emjoi with tongue sticking out]
B. Where does that leave me for ideas for the nursery. Navajo baby girl? I'm a lil more feminine then that, but still pretty tom boy
C. Oh if it is a girl, she will have the coolest baby girl name [mums the word on that. Justin, I'm speaking to you]
D. Pinterest illiterate
Okay, i'm not that dumb at it, and therefor you should check out my Pinterest I created a BABY UMP board. now is there a way that people can suggest baby things to like to me? I would like that. Have they invented that. Should I paten that quick?
Ideas for baby boy:
Ideas for baby girl:
Again, So many ideas for baby boy, so little ideas for baby girl.
Um... but the baby girl room is incredible.